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China Jiangsu Provincial Economic and Trade Office in Europe Kontakt
30. Mai 2021 administrator Allgemein

Jiangsu starts the construction of water-saving industrial parks

Jiangsu starts the construction of water-saving industrial parks Recently, with the consent of the provincial government, Jiangsu has carried out the development of water-saving industrial parks across the region. Water-saving parks are an important part of building a water-saving society. Industrial parks have high industrial added value and large water consumption. Jiangsu province chooses industrial parks to take the lead, aiming to set a demonstration benchmark for water-saving parks, further promote the construction of various water-saving parks, and continuously improve the efficiency and efficacy of water use, in an effort to gradually realize the coordination of the development of the

2. Mai 2021 administrator Allgemein

Educational campaign on copyright launched for Jiangsu Intellectual Property Publicity Week

Educational campaign on copyright launched for Jiangsu Intellectual Property Publicity Week April 26 marked the 21st World Intellectual Property Day. On the morning of April 25, the opening ceremony of the educational campaign on copyright for the 2021 Jiangsu Intellectual Property Publicity Week was launched in Nanjing. Copyright, as an important intellectual property, contributes greatly to cultural prosperity and sci-tech innovation. Recent years have witnessed Jiangsu’s continuous progress in copyright-related works as copyright authorities at all levels followed instructions of the central government, the provincial CPC committee, and the provincial people’s government. In the 13th Five-Year Plan Period, the total number of

26. März 2021 administrator News

Jiangsu sees foreign trade up 30.1% in January-February

Jiangsu sees foreign trade up 30.1% in January-February East China’s Jiangsu province saw robust foreign trade growth in the first two months of 2021, according to local customs. The province’s total import and export value hit 728.23 billion yuan (about $111.7 billion) in the January-February period, up 30.1 percent year-on-year, according to data from Nanjing Customs. Of the total, exports soared to 459.39 billion yuan, marking a 43.6 percent increase from the same period last year, and imports reached 268.84 billion yuan, up 12.1 percent year-on-year. Exports of mechanical and electronic products saw a strong rise to 309.27 billion yuan,

19. März 2021 administrator Allgemein

Jiangsu Saw the Fastest Growth of 3.76 Million Newly Registered Companies Last Year in China

Jiangsu Saw the Fastest Growth of 3.76 Million Newly Registered Companies Last Year in China 2020 Annual Report on Chinese Company Growth, jointly released by Urban and Competitiveness Research Center of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and QCC Big Data Institute recently revealed that Jiangsu Province witnessed the highest growth of newly registered companies, totaling 3,763,600 in 2020 and up by 104.4% over the previous year, making Jiangsu the only province in China whose growth more than doubled in that regard. In 2020, 27.354 million new market entities were registered in China, up by 12.8% over the previous year. Suzhou ranked first

25. Februar 2021 developer News, News, News, News, News

Business prosperity index of our province continues to rise

Business prosperity index of our province continues to rise The latest business prosperity index and entrepreneur confidence index have been released. According to the Provincial Bureau of Statistics, in the fourth quarter of last year, our province’s business prosperity index was 127.8, 1.6 percentage points higher than the previous quarter and up by 5.0 percentage points year on year; the entrepreneur confidence index was 129.1, 2.0 percentage points higher than the previous quarter and up by 5.4 percentage points year on year. The business prosperity index ran within the fairly prosperous range and the entrepreneur confidence index within optimistic range

28. Dezember 2020 administrator Allgemein

Jiangsu to further improve business environment

Jiangsu to further improve business environment The General Office of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government recently issued the Notice on Several Measures to Further Improve Business Environment and Better Serve Market Entities, rolling out 20 measures to further improve business environment and benefit the enterprises. According to officials of the Provincial Administration Office for Government Affairs Service, the Implementation Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Further Improving Business Environment and Better Serving Market Entities issued in July of this year requires all localities and departments to launch concrete and effective reform measures to address the problems and challenges facing enterprises in

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